Live Real-time satellite feed of a Certain place

Unfortunately, there are no publicly available services that let you see what a satellite is seeing right now. All of the services that let you access satellite images use photographs that were captured at some point in the last few years.
Most of the satellite images services are using the same satellites. For example,Google Maps and Google Earth display satellite images captured by Digital Globe and Geo Eye. The same goes for images displayed in Bing Maps and Yahoo Maps.The images are gathered by the satellites as it makes its orbit around the Earth.
These images are transmitted down to Earth and then updated in the various mapping services. But there is no publicly available tool that lets you see live satellite images.So the answer is no,and nothing is available right now in terms of looking for a site that can view real time images coming from satellite feed.
That’s also what I know. I don’t think there is a place or a site that offers live satellite feed or where you will be able to watch live satellite feed on different parts of the world. But as an alternative, there is a way of viewing or watching different security cameras in different parts of the world where they are available. And these are live camera feeds. I will only share here some websites where you can watch live security camera feeds but not the process of searching them since I’m not sure if this is completely legal because this will bring up so many feeds.
These are official live security camera feeds that can be watched publicly.