Asked By
40 points
Posted on - 12/25/2011
I have installed Lotus Notes 8.0.2. When I am attempting to use a VBScript to run the Notes API to send email, errors are getting.
a. Loading error – DLL Initialize
b. Loading Error – DLL Getdatabase
Please help me to solve this problem.
I will thankful for all help and support.
Answered By
0 points
Loading Error – DLL Getdatabase Lotus notes
The writer of the DLL should have supplied documentation and a header file. However, you could use the Dumpbin utility with the /EXPORTS option to see which functions a DLL exports for your use.
The Initialize method is where you are logging in and really starting your Notes session.
You should be able to open Notes, login, and access the database you are intending to work with.
Make sure the Notes directory and Data directory are in the PATH environment variable. Make sure you have enough rights to the Notes directories .Worst case, try reinstalling Notes or try running the script on another machine where Notes is working perfectly.