Turns out I have left a computer with Vista that has an issue, is that however you attempt to access the hard drive from the browser I receive the following message: "Location unavailable. Post. – Unable to access C: / Access denied
Ubicacion no disponible
No se puede obtener accesso a c:
Accesso denegado.
Location unavailable. Post. – Unable to access C: / Access denied
Hi there ChesterBSeverance,
If I understood correctly, you are trying to access the computer via a network and it results with the 'Access denied' error.
First of all, instead of browser, try using your Windows explorer.
Another important thing is – make sure you're entering the correct IP address of the computer you're trying to access.
If none of that works, something is wrongly configured on your Vista and you will need to reconfigure sharing options there. Right click on the C: drive, choose 'Share…' option and go through all settings once again making sure you're allowing full access to your computer.
Best regards,
Drake Vivian