Asked By
10 points
Posted on - 05/10/2013
Hi guys,
I am an application developer and I have recently started to take an interest in developing Facebook applications, I however have been having a problem with coming up with a good method that I can use when it comes to logging users into Facebook using my application so I am looking for a script that can enable me to login with facebook application code.
If anyone can provide me with information on this problem please reply to the post.
Login with faceBook application code
Hi there Bmcaro,
Facebook is very open to mobile application and connections between them and Facebook, so this shouldn't be a problem at all.
Facebook is offering plenty of tools and examples to the webmasters and developers, so the best thing you can do to always have the updated information is to check the Facebook developer page.
Here is a link to a sample mobile app with a sample script that will show you how to create a Facebook connection in your mobile application:
Best regards,
Drake Vivian