Logitech wireless m325 driver and mouse stopped working

Logitech wireless m325 mouse stopped working. How can I install the Logitech m325 driver? Can anybody help me to resolve this issue involving Logitech wireless m325 driver?

Logitech wireless m325 mouse stopped working. How can I install the Logitech m325 driver? Can anybody help me to resolve this issue involving Logitech wireless m325 driver?
To resolve this problem, you have to follow my methods:
I think the trouble you are experiencing. I will surely assist you in resolving this issue.
Follow these methods and see if it is helpful or not.
If the hardware device which isn't working in the right way on computer, you may need to update the driver. To update the drivers, you can follow many ways.
You can use your Windows Update. To download and then install the recommended updates, you need to set the Update of your windows to automatically.
Also, you can Install the softwares from the manufacturer of the device. If you have a disc with your device, then you can install the driver for that device from that disc.
And you can also do it by yourself by running the troubleshooter for hardware from the following link:
Open the Devices and Hardware troubleshooter here
Again, To update drivers for chipset, visit website of computer manufacturer: