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0 points
Posted on - 10/15/2011
I have windows xp professional service pack 2 from many years but in the past few days I take long time to make login and reach login screen also make check for things that are not exist like floppy drive and also take long time. So please anyone tell me what is the problem and how to fix.
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0 points
Long time to make login Windows XP
There is many things may cause this late to login
you may installed the kaspersky internet security : this program make the login takes too long than usual
You should remove it from windows start (go to the configuration of kaspersky and disable it )
2. you have many start-up programs :
Go to start / run /type "msconfig" / startup / and deselect the un-used programs at startup like
msn messenger
adobe update
Google search….
Restart the pc and check it
3. it may be a bug from the OS system
Restore the system to an earlier restore point : you can find it in the control panel (system restore)
good luck
Long time to make login Windows XP
According to Microsoft, Windows XP was designed to boot up within about 30 seconds.
There are several causes that can cause this problem :
Nombre of background programs
Viruses and Trojans
Your hard-disk is not defragmented
Temporary files
we propose to you to check :
1 – Delete all your temporary-files (that take more space from
your hard-disk also more time to be loaded)
2 – Defragmented your Disk
for those steps we recommended to you
to use tuneup – utility a very powerful tool to solve your problem
link to download the software :
3 – In order to check your background programs
Microsoft provides msconfig, a good utility
for controlling how Windows starts up. To run it
, click Start, select Run,
type msconfig in the box and click OK.
4 – For protection & self – defense against viruses and Trojans
so recommended anti-virus "Nod32 ESET"
the link to download it :
In your service
for more information 🙂
Long time to make login Windows XP
Hello Dear,
Thanks that you have shared your problem with us.
Dear you should clean up your system for viruses, temporary files and startup programs.
Please take these steps.
Open window folder in C drive and delete all files from "Prefetch" folder.
Then go to C:Documents and settings and then open your user folder and delete all files from "Temp" and "Temporary internet files" folders.
Then the next thing is to disable unnecessary startup programs.
For this type "msconfig" in RUN and press enter. Then choose start up and uncheck all unnecessary soft wares.
Then It will restart you computer to apply these settings.
After this install "Panda Antivirus 2013 Pro" to kill all virus and Spyware.
You can download it from this link.
I hope it will help you a lot.
Long time to make login Windows XP
Hi dear,
You have used Windows XL for many years, so it seems that you have never cleaned your PC of unwanted temporary files.
You should clean these files to boost the speed of your computer. Follow these steps.
1. Delete all files in C:WINDOWSPrefetch.
2. Delete all files in C:Documents and settings/user/temp
After this, restart your computer. You will see the difference.
Long time to make login Windows XP
Dear Asker,
Window XP is a very widely used operating system. All the windows have a specific place to save temporary data and recent history of usage.
For example, some log files, dll files and other offline files that come into being by our usage.
When we perform tasks on computer, window stores some important files and commands as backup and restore setting options.
When we restart our computer after a while, then window checks that offline files first then boot from original files.
To overcome this problem, you have to clear all offline files and temporary files.
1. Open this directory, C:WINDOWSPrefetch. This directory contains only the files that are frequently used. Delete all the files.
2. 2nd thing that you have to do is this. Open C Drive then go to Documents and Settings. In this folder choose your user profile. In user profile folder, there is a Local Settings folder > Temp. Delete temp folder. Then in the same location, there will be a folder Temporary Files. Delete all the files from this folder.
Now restart your computer. You will feel better performance than ago.
I hope it will help you.