Good Day TechyV!
Do you know if there is really a dfont extractor Mac application which I can use? There is one font file that I really need to use in a standard .ttf format. Can anyone please help me how to extract the Mac .dfont files into .tff file? Any information will be a big help to me.
Thank you!
Looking for Dfont Extractor Mac Application?
Hi Alyss,
  There are a lot of font converters available, you can go for the free online sites if you are just using it one time. If you need to convert fonts frequently then there are downloadable paid software. I can recommend you an open source font converter. You can check DfontsSplitter, it is very easy to use just add the text then convert. This comes in 2 variation one is for windows and another for mac depends on how you want to use it. It can be used to convert other font format. There is a detailed instruction on how to install and navigate the software. You can also check this website this is online and you don’t need to install anything.