Looking for easy to use web online reduce PDF size

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

I'm trying to compress a large pdf file and put the document online.  I'm also trying to email the .pdf file but wouldn't fit the attachment limit size.  Can someone help on where to find easy to use online reduce pdf size?

Answered By 30 points N/A #137406

Looking for easy to use web online reduce PDF size



Hi Toby,
Searching the term "compress pdf online" will give you plenty of free services that do just what you are looking for. I would suggest you verypdf.com as a simple and clean online compressor with some nice options for you to choose so you don't ruin your PDF with too big compression.
However, you should keep in mind your PDF will lose its quality. Images will be compressed a lot and fonts will be optimized. If the quality of the images is important to you, maybe you should consider optimizing your PDF file offline. 
Depending on the OS you are using, on Windows you can do that via Adobe Acrobat using the option "PDF Optimizer". This option is placed in the Advanced menu. On Mac OS X you can do that using the Preview.app. While saving your file as a PDF you will be given an option to reduce the size of your PDF.
If you're not satisfied with the compression and the quality of the compressed PDF, you may want to consider splitting your document into smaller parts and uploading it like that.

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