Looking for the Matrox coral reef demo

Hello I'm looking for the Matrox coral reef demo that use to come with the graphic card CD driver.
It was supposed to demonstrate how well the graphic cards.
Does anyone know where I could find that demo?Â

Hello I'm looking for the Matrox coral reef demo that use to come with the graphic card CD driver.
It was supposed to demonstrate how well the graphic cards.
Does anyone know where I could find that demo?Â
The Matrox Reef demo can be found on the Matrox official website but it is already down so you can no longer download it from their site.
Try to download it from the link provided and see if it will work:
Hello Dawnn
Matrox Reef Demo was a software developed in order to show the quality features of the Parhelia Video Card. All went well and people were satisfied by the software until some guys adapted the software and made it work on other graphic cards as well.
Matrox then pulled down the software from their website, and made sure that no one will ever post it on other websites, forcing everybody who had it, to take it off the site.
Unfortunately you can not find this software anymore unless you have it on a CD or something.
I hope you will find this information useful.