I'm looking for a webcam photo studio maker software of some sort, something that can take photos from a web camera or import from files, and export them in a format for display on a web page.
Looking for a webcam photo studio maker software of some sort
There are many software to choose from the web beginning with freeware, trial software and pay the software. You may want to check Webcam Companion 4 that captures in 3D and HD images and video from your cam. It has an easy to use editing tool that you can enhance and adjust brightness, color, sharpness, lighting and many more. You can share your work directly to Twitter YouTube and Flickr. Webcam Companion 4 is available for a free trial.
Another is Photoshop, a widely used software by both amateurs and professionals. It has a variety of products such as:
Photoshop for photographers, video photographers, web professionals and designers.
Photoshop Lightroom for both amateur and professional photographers.
Photoshop Elements, Adobe Premier Elements and Revel for to everyone who loves taking photos.
Photoshop Touch for graphic designers.
The product is similar to Webcam Companion 4 but Photoshop has a lot more features that Webcam and is what I recommend for a serious photo/video job.Â
Photoshop is also available for trial.