Lost Root Access And Graphics Crashes

Asked By 15 points N/A Posted on -

Users are often using computers in their office or students are using computers in their schools and colleges where they do not have root access to their computers. If under such situations due to problems in opengl related distributions graphics drivers crash or other binaries related to Lumerical creates problems, how can we install new versions for current session without root access?

Answered By 10 points N/A #106038

Lost Root Access And Graphics Crashes


Software may be installed for current session using the RPMs of the software by the following steps:

a) We need to get our hands on the correct rpm for our installation from the rpm_install_files directory for the package downloaded. RPm names are like -x.y.z-n.dist.*.rpm.

b) The directory for the installation is selected by the user and rpm files are copied to that path.

c) From the above directory the rpm files are to be unpacked. The following command may be used: Rpm2cpic <-x.y.z-n.dist.*.rpm | opio –I –make—directories

d) We need to add a path type environmental variable for the installation directory. Using command export PATH=$PATH:

e) By running the license configuration utility we should be done. We can use the command -config-license.

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