Lotus notes classic debug error

Hello experts,
I just got the following error message while closing R8-classic(or whatever it is called)

Hello experts,
I just got the following error message while closing R8-classic(or whatever it is called)
I think the error message says that the file nlnotes.exe is damaged or corrupted. If this is the current status of your Lotus Notes, try checking your hard drive first for any possible errors. Maybe there is an error in the hard drive’s file system that got corrupted the file. Use a disk utility application to check the system.
For a much thorough diagnostics on the system, use a disk utility application like Norton Utilities or Norton SystemWorks. These applications will attempt a repair if an error was found in the file system but it doesn’t guarantee that the problem with the application is already fixed. Usually, when a file got corrupted, it will stay that way even if the problems in the hard drive are fixed.
If checking the hard drive didn’t help solve the problem, try uninstalling the application then install it back. This will fix any corrupted files in the installation and will restore the settings back to default.