Low-Cost Laptops from Allied Computers

I heard that Allied Computers will be selling low-cost laptops in India at Rs4999. Is there a chance that Allied Computers will offer this low-cost laptop in other parts of Asia?

I heard that Allied Computers will be selling low-cost laptops in India at Rs4999. Is there a chance that Allied Computers will offer this low-cost laptop in other parts of Asia?
The ACI computers is going to offer the best price of laptop in India. They are going to offer laptop at RS 4999 only through the India. This company is UK based. They are not very renowned in this field. They just want to take attention of the third world countries. As for the saying of company MD Hirij Patel, India has a sale volume of 2.5 million per annum which is only ten percent of European countries.
So their interest is mainly on India now. After completing their goal India they will move further. This was in loss in 2011 December. After launching the offer of low cost Laptop they are getting some high prices. So they may make profit in India in recent years, but they will not come across so soon.
Allied is set to provide low cost laptops in India. Patel has stated that they will not compromise on quality even though their laptops will be a bit cheap. However there have been no reports as to whether this offer from allied will extend to other countries. On the flip side, since this is a new project in an effort to reduce the cost significantly so that a large population of India can be able afford computers since the cost of computers in India is very high, there might be a possibility they will expand but this all depends on the success of the project. They do have an email you can get in touch with them i.e. [email protected] and ask any of the questions you have for them.