MAC error message has occurred

MAC error message: MAC is sending this error message which you can at below attached image? I need assistance please. What is this OSStatus error? What does it mean?

MAC error message: MAC is sending this error message which you can at below attached image? I need assistance please. What is this OSStatus error? What does it mean?
Hi Wallace D Woolard,
It seems that this error is shown when the application you are running is blocked by Mountain Lion’s new Gatekeeper system.
Go to System Preferences… > Security & Privacy > General tab under the header "Allow applications downloaded from:" and set it to “Anywhere”. See the picture below.
This will allow your application to be run on your system.
Hope this helps you,
You are facing this problem due to the Apple’s documentation which may be corrupt or unstable.
I would suggest you some points you have to follow to fix this issue.
1. You have to launch your Narrator again after restarting your Mac and attempt to transfer the presentation.
2. Now you have to Run Verify Disk Permissions in Disk Utility.
3. After verifying permissions, restart Narrator and perform to transfer the presentation again.
I hope this may helpful for you. I am always available for the further assistance.