Asked By
Dana Robins
40 points
Posted on - 11/21/2012
How can hypertext markup language be cleaned using waterproof open edit?
In Mac OS nine I put in the net site’s code victimization Simple Text, I created methods to accelerate OS X, and the information was also put by me from my prior G4 to the new system. When I want to edit the codes of my HTML pages and I open them on OS X I am unable to edit them because it’s unreachable.
Rather than opening text file I get to see a screen showing the HTML and the page which will be portrayed on the net. Will I be able to edit the Simple text file without changing it to any other extension?Â
Mac opens edit clean html to text
In MAC OS generally .html file will open as a web page.
To open the HTML file in edit mode:
1. Select the HTML file.
2. Right click on it and select ‘open with’/’Text Editor’ .
Or in another way,
1. Select the HTML file.
2. Right click on it and select ‘Get Info ‘.
3. A window will pop up with all the features of the file, from this window you can change the options ‘Open with’ to ‘Text Editor’.
Or you can change the preference in Text Edit application.
Go to Text Edit/Preference and select the tab 'Open and save' and tick the check box 'Ignore rich text command in HTML files'.
Mac opens edit clean html to text
By default textedit doesn't show the HTML code it recognize the attribute and displays like your on a webpage. When you double click on HTML file it opens up in safari.
1. Right click on HTML file.
2. Select open with… go to other programs and select notepad
3. Jump down to textEdit select always open with and click open
4. Go to text edit and the preferences click open and save
5. Below make sure to check the check box "Ignore rich text command in HTML and close the program.
6. Always open file with texteditor. If you have HTML file right click open with and choose textedit..
Doing it step by step you can now see the code.