Mac version of Frontier by UserLand is available in windows version

It is available and works with windows, but what is the name of Frontier for windows and how to work with Frontier for windows?

It is available and works with windows, but what is the name of Frontier for windows and how to work with Frontier for windows?
UserLand Software is a software company founded in 1988 based in the United States. The company sells blogging software packages and services as well as web content management. UserLand Software was founded by Dave Winer after leaving Symantec in the spring of 1988. The company’s first product was UserLand IPC released in April 1989.
It was in January 1992 when the company released Frontier 1.0. It is a scripting environment designed for Mac OS X that includes a scripting language called UserTalk and an object database. During its original release, it is the only system-level scripting environment for Mac OS X. But while this is happening, Apple is already developing its own scripting language called AppleScript.
They started bundling it with Mac OS X 7. When it happened, Frontier’s initial market collapsed. UserLand re-positioned Frontier as a web development environment in response to what Apple did distributing the software for free in May 1995 with the Aretha release. It was in January 1998 when the first Windows version was released with Frontier 5.0.
They began charging for licenses again when the 5.1 version of Frontier was released in June 1998 several months after version 5.0 was released. If you want to use Frontier for Microsoft Windows, download and install version 5.0 from Frontier 5 Download Page. Once installed, you can upgrade to Frontier 5.0.1.
Check the page on how to upgrade. And then after upgrading Frontier to version 5.0.1, you need to install the security fix released in August 19, 1998. This security fix closes a security hole when it is running on a server.