While working on constructing a web page in “Macromedia Dreamweaver, I received an error message. Can anyone solve the issue?
“Macromedia Dreamweaver MX
The desired action could not be completed because an unexpected client/server communication error occurred”
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX error has occurred
Hi Sidney,
This error occurs because of many reasons.
1) If you have stored the local site pages in network folder.
Dreamweaver could not handle the local site in a network folder (DFS). So define a location from the local disk for it.
2) If you are using DreamWeaver and Webdav .
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 and earlier versions cannot handle SSL through WebDAV. The newest version, Dreamweaver 8, DOES work with WebDAV .Try installing Dreamweaver 8.