Mailloop 4 is it an error or not?

Hi! Experts,
I know someone has experience Mailloop 4. Can someone enlighten me what is it? Is there a process to prevent it to occur? Please some help with this. Thanks.

Hi! Experts,
I know someone has experience Mailloop 4. Can someone enlighten me what is it? Is there a process to prevent it to occur? Please some help with this. Thanks.
Hi Ruiz
Mail loops are very annoying for business computers or even for home computers. Mail loops usually occur when two mailing servers with automatic reply functions, when two or more email accounts and one is scheduled to autoreply. So how can we prevent it? There are several ways on how we can prevent mail loops.
Here are some:
1. You must update your email software. Most of these software already has protection in mail loops. If you are using an email software that is more than 5 years, it is more prone to mail loops.
2. You must not to enable the auto response feature on your email accounts. As I’ve said earlier, auto response emails are the common cause for this problem.
3. Stop subscribing to email lists. Usually these email lists send an auto response email to you. Unsubscribing to these lists will surely prevent email loops.
I hope this helps.