Making of new smart phone

what is the famous social networking company that planning to make smart phone by the assistance of apple engineers?

what is the famous social networking company that planning to make smart phone by the assistance of apple engineers?
         Yes! The most comprehensive social media company Facebook could soon be challenge in smartphone business with the support of former engineers of iPhone maker Apple if current reports are to be considered.
          Nick Bilton, cited unseen sources who said the Facebook is wishing to release their own smartphone by next year.
         The Facebook Company eventually hired six former Apple software and hardware engineers who will work on the iPhone, and others worked on the iPad. The company is now expanding the team who will be working on the promising business venture and recruiting various people with prior experiences in building a device before.
          Last November, Facebook tried to work with HTC to establish a smartphone that will fully associate the social networking site with a code name "Buffy". It was followed by an unjustified rumour that HTC was working together with the tech giant on developing a phone associated with Facebook that was presumed to be launched on the third quarter of 2012.
          Facebook neither approved nor disproved of all the rumours and speculations but still the assumption of promoting a smartphone is strongly direct to the acquisitions and developments within the company. Facebook just activated of its own Facebook Camera, not to mention its forthcoming acquisition of Instagram. Moreover, it builds up its Facebook Messages app, a Facebook app store, and it is reportedly interested in buying the Opera.
       No other than facebook!. Facebook has poached more than six former Apple employees who had worked on hardware and software for the iPhone and iPad as it plans to build its own smartphone Facebook employees and those briefed on the company's plans told the newspaper it had already hired more than half a dozen former Apple engineers.
        It would be Facebook's third attempt at building a smartphone, according to one of the paper's sources. Facebook did not deny the reports and added: “Our mobile strategy is simple: we think every mobile device is better if it is deeply social Facebook is working across the entire mobile industry; with operators, hardware manufacturers, OS providers, and application developers to bring powerful social experiences to more people around the world.
        Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder said that he is worried that if he doesn’t create a mobile phone in the near future that Facebook will simply become an app on other mobile platforms