Malicious Attack Codes in PowerPoint Files

Word is going around that there is a malicious attack code, attached to PowerPoint files, that's been infecting files and damaging computers. Is this a .exe file? How can users recognize these files?

Word is going around that there is a malicious attack code, attached to PowerPoint files, that's been infecting files and damaging computers. Is this a .exe file? How can users recognize these files?
Hi Gracekmakris,
Its getting more and harder to notice a malware nowadays.
Exploit you are talking about is not in .EXE extension rather it is a normal PPT format. but this presentation isn't normal by any means.
File contains a shellcode that is triggered when the presentation starts which looks for a vulnerability and then creates a malicious file in the temp folder and the presentation is continued as a normal one.
Best practice to do to prevent such threat is to have a good antivirus and antispyware program that is updated and perform a complete system scan.