Map of Russia in eps format for web use

Eps format is Encapsulated PostScript and it is great for web use or for print. Map of Russia, in this format is needed. Where to find?

Eps format is Encapsulated PostScript and it is great for web use or for print. Map of Russia, in this format is needed. Where to find?
There are actually various web- optimized picture formats for the web such as PNG and GIF. But, if you are specific in using only EPS , I'm afraid there are only a few available around the internet. Try to roam around deviantArt or try this link.Â
Another alternative is the manual way – try to download a JPEG file of the Russian map which I believe is abundant on the internet, and convert it using Photoshop tools. Here is the step-by-step instruction:
Here I am to provide you with additional solution and options for assisting you.
1. First choice is you should visit AllFreeDownload website. There, you should type vector map russia in eps format in the Search field. Then, all you can see are many types of Russia map in eps format. You can download from there.
2. If not, you can try search Russia map in eps format by clicking on Freevectormaps website. This is similar to AllFreeDownload website which is providing you a good quality Russia map in eps format.
3. Otherwise, you shall visit Speckyboys website. In this website, you can find 25 free vector world maps in eps format. Russia map is included.
There you go, you can start download it now.