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Posted on - 11/14/2011
What would be the marketing strategy for NVIDIA Graphical module, when Intel & AMD are planning to release their integrated CPU with graphical processor?
Are laptops with Intel processor comparatively better than its counterpart from their competitor AMD?Â
Marketing strategy for NVIDIA Graphical module
Hello Idelle,
I think NVIDIA will only survive in the market if its competitions which are Intel and AMD release the integrated CPU with the graphical processor by having the video graphic adapter cards that are still compatible with most of the computer systems or models for instance HP, DELL, Acer and many others.
It is unlikely that people will just dispose the computers they are using right now to get the ones which have integrated graphical processors because there is the cost factor that should be put into consideration. The computers that have the integrated graphical processors may turn out to be a little expensive and therefore people will still go for the ones that they will better use NVIDIA drivers at a cheaper price.
But NVIDIA should be thinking of coming up with another feature that will make it not to lose customers because the prices may eventually go down.
Clair Charles.