Mars edit is a good software to blog editing

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello expert I need a desktop blog editing application to build up my blogger. My friend told me mars edit is a good software to blog editing. Please can you suggest me the feature of the mars editing software and the feedback of that software? Thank you.

Answered By 50 points N/A #165456

Mars edit is a good software to blog editing


Hello there! MarsEdit is truly a great software for blog editing. It includes a user-friendly interface. It is compatible with different web sites like WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, TypePad, etc. It lets you preview your work before publishing just like on the blog's web site. It also can be integrated with your other blog editors cleanly with no complications. You can also upload videos and images and attach them to your posts. And you can still make posts when you are offline and just publish it when you gain internet access. Cheers!

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