Hi and good day TechyV Users and friends! Mass change ad group membership management is a big work. But I want to change it more like changing the display Name format, adding a new secondary SMTP address , adding to group membership and so on. Now here is my question, can you give me a step-by-step guide for making bulk changes. Any help would be nice. Thank you very much. Oliphant Charles
Mass change ad group membership management problem.
Dear Oliphant,
Thank you for your question. As you have mentioned you want to change the display format, adding group membership and new secondary SMTP file. Well, to get started you can download ADModify tool from www.codeplex.com which is in zip format file and if once you have downloaded you can extract to a folder. To launch the application, double click the downloaded application and then select Modify Attributes. Then select the distinguish name of your domain while a domain list show up. Avoid the Dc which holds the PDC Emulator role if it tends to be used heavily. In the domain tree click the green arrow button and a domain tree will come up in the left hand pane. Go through the tree to find the OU in which all the users are located. Then click ADD to list and then the users should show up in the right hand pane. After that you can go through the process.
Have a nice day.