Mathematica 6 setup. exe hangs

I searched through Google to find the answer to this issue and a lot of solutions we're looking same. The attractive thing is that no solution was simple to understand. So come and attempt one more time
Operating System Debian Linux Squeeze distribution
Wine 1.4
i-386 system
Once to come here /media/cdrom mounting point for the disk I can also
Exercise "wine control" or write here "wine setup.exe" and receive the right similar
Outcome. Install Shield initiates however then stop and halt at the end of the
Below error messages:
fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented.
fixme:msi:ITERATE_DuplicateFiles We should track these duplicate
files as well
fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented.
fixme:apphelp:ApphelpCheckInstallShieldPackage stub: 0x33f3cc
L"D:\Wolfram Mathematica 6.msi"
After approximately 1 minute an error window box indicating:
Error 1627
Function Failed
After I click the button OK I receive the following error messages before the program close.
err:ole:dispatch_rpc no apartment found for ipid
err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x80010108
err:ole:dispatch_rpc no apartment found for ipid
err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x80010108
err:ole:dispatch_rpc no apartment found for ipid
err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x80010108
err:ole:dispatch_rpc no apartment found for ipid
err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x80010108
Err: ole: dispatch_rpc no apartment found for iPod
err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x80010108
err:ole:dispatch_rpc no apartment found for ipid
err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x80010108
err:ole:dispatch_rpc no apartment found for ipid
err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x80010108
err:ole:dispatch_rpc no apartment found for ipid
err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x80010108
What's the meaning of this message?
Does anybody know how to resolve this?