Maximum buffer size for DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE

The maximum size of The DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE function is 1,000,000 and the minimum size is 2,000 up to oracle 10g versions when the user specifies buffer size (NOTNULL).And Buffer_size IN INTEGER DEFAULT 2000The syntax is DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE (the default is 20,000 for backwards compatibility with earlier database versions that did not support unlimited buffering. Now oracle 10g release 2 buffer size is unlimited. The DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE enables calls to various functions PUT, PUT_LINE, NEW_LINE, GET_LINE, and GET_LINES and DBMS_OUTPUT Package needs to be activated for calls to procedures. The buffer size is  NULL where string buffer limit is not specified.
Hello Francine,
It will depend on the version of Oracle that you're using. In case you are using Oracle 10g (10.1) and before, then you will use a maximum buffer size of 1,000,000 bytes.
But if you are using Oracle 10gR2 (10.2) and above, then you have no limit to the buffer size: