Maximum distance and the minimum Round-Trip-Time Latency requirements
What is the maximum distance and the minimum Rount-Trip-Time Latency requirements in Millisecond between two connected Data Center acceptable to support VMotion feature?
What is the maximum distance and the minimum Rount-Trip-Time Latency requirements in Millisecond between two connected Data Center acceptable to support VMotion feature?
Well it all depends on what type of configuration you are using in the system. If it is open ended then the latencies might vary considering the amount of outgoing and incoming connections on the system.
You can also see the number of PCs connected between each terminal to have a basic idea of how it reacts.
You can also send a test packet among different systems to see the reactive time and then note it down so that to have the actual amount of time.
Normally for few users, this limit ranges from 10ms to 50ms depending on the type of medium being used. You can also Google it for more information.