Maxthon update freezes up Facebook

How should we install the update for Maxthon (Â It appears to not work with Facebook.
It is affecting Facebook chat and even during login.

How should we install the update for Maxthon (Â It appears to not work with Facebook.
It is affecting Facebook chat and even during login.
Maxthonis one of the most popular and well know fast browser for internet browsing. It’s lighting fast and easy to use. Some fantastic feature makes it a perfect browser. Sometime it shows error message when you want an update for your maxthon browser.
It freezes up the webpage sometime. You can use maxthon 2.1.0 it’s the most flexible version and you will never face that problem again on that version.
You can go with this official site of maxthon and download the latest version.
I am also using Maxthon web browser though I’m not sure how many of us are using it since it is not that popular compared to Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, and even Google Chrome. The thing I like about Maxthon is that it has a built-in downloader that is capable of downloading streaming videos from video sharing websites.
If this is what’s happening with your Maxthon browser that it already affects Facebook, maybe it’s because you allowed it to update automatically even while you are using it browsing a website. If the browser already becomes unstable even after the update or after restarting it, you should reinstall it to fix the stability.
But since you allowed the browser to automatically update by it self, you will not be able to find the installer it used to update the browser because right after it finishes the update, it purges the installer automatically. So to run the installer, you need to download it again from the Maxthon website.
Click Maxthon Cloud Browser to directly download the installer. At this time, this is the latest version. Once downloaded, close the browser, and run the installer. This will upgrade the browser to the latest version. In any way, the best way to upgrade a program is to uninstall it first and then run the latest installer after that.