Maxtor 1-touch-4 Plus Error Code 1628
Hi techyv experts,
I am getting annoying error messages while I am uninstalling Maxtor-1-touch-4-plus “Error code 1628”. After converting from Vista-Ultimate 64bit to Windows Ultimate 64 bit I separate the Maxtor software en installed it again. Suddenly I had two lines Maxtor software in the software position. Likely the recent files were not uninstalled decent.
One excavation and one (probably immoral) I could uninstall the late installed one without any problems. But solace attains the old Maxtor software in de table software. Uninstall using the windows uninstall agency didn't apply.
Restrained among processes to modify setup.exe etc. but none of the exe files are working. I deleted worker files totally. Clean all the folders and files overlapping to Maxtor I could bump. Including hidden files. Can't conclude anything remaining? But comfort can't remove the Maxtor files in the software.
Port or alter I am still getting 1628. I need to get it clear before commencement new software. While I use Windows-install-cleanup, I don't see any Maxtor file in the software list in cleanup window?
As said I impoverishment all traces separate before I used the software one more time or utilize the propulsion as a localized drive. Any solution is welcomed and thank you in advance.