Maxtor Series Hard drive is not detected by Computer

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have a 40 GB hard drive Maxtor 3.65 series, which is not detected by bios.

How to find a way to fix it and one Seagate barracuda 40 GB hard drive is detected bios, but could not have formatted how do I fix this?

Iam waiting for the answer.

Thanks for advice

Best Answer by joilyn.karagdag
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #99124

Maxtor Series Hard drive is not detected by Computer


If you are using SATA and IDE at the same time, check the bios settings on harddisk. The default settings is native mode, this should be changed to compatible mode for the bios to be able to detect the IDE HD.

Or maybe your harddisk is defective. To check if it is working, remove the HD from your computer then install it to other PC, if it is detected then the HD is working. Try to check the HDs jumper if it was placed correctly, some board can bypass this settings some are not.

You can also buy IDE/SATA to USB connector to check if the harddisk is defective or not. You may format your other harddisk using this connected to other computer or laptop.

If your harddisk doesn’t work or it cannot be read by other computer using IDE/SATA to USB connector, then it must be defective. IF you want to recover some files, you may try to put your defective harddisk to the freezer seal it and leave it there for several hours then connect it to your PC immediately, if it is detected then hurry to copy all your files. This does not work always though, but nothing will lose if you have it a try. 


Answered By 0 points N/A #99125

Maxtor Series Hard drive is not detected by Computer


I have HDs jumper placed correctly its solve by format using IDE/SATA to USB connector.

Thanks  Joilyn.karagdag

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