Meaning Of Error Code 407 Proxy Authentication Required And Fixing The Error

What do you mean by the Error code 407 proxy authentications required? How to fix this kind of error? What does this error mean in HTTP protocol?

What do you mean by the Error code 407 proxy authentications required? How to fix this kind of error? What does this error mean in HTTP protocol?
When we are using the internet in our browser, there are two sides on which two different peoples are sitting one is the client, and another is a server. Now when the client request for some data and it is correct, but there is a proxy server that needs authentication i.e. ID and Password, if the client is unable to provide that information then the error code 407 will be displayed, and it shows proxy authentication requires.
To fix this error, you must set up the proxy and know the details i.e. ID and Password of that proxy server.