Asked By
ave broers
70 points
Posted on - 03/23/2015
What could be the possible things to consider when my phone or tablet is not charging when there are signal showing that the tablet or phone is being charged? I have being facing this peculiar problem for quite some time now and I would want to know what could be the possible fault or cause. I also want to know what to do anytime I do encounter this challenge in the future? Thank you.
Measures to consider when your phone or tablet is not charging
This issue can happens due to software issue or hardware issue. Also this is can happen in any type of phones. Below are the few troubleshooting tips.
1. Look at the charger port of your phone. If it is damaged somehow and the two terminal is connected even charger is not connected there then it will show the signal that battery is charging although there is no charger connected. Two terminals are the terminal where the charger point is inserted when a charger connected with the mobile phone. During charging these two terminal get connected using he metal part of the charger point. To solve this issue you need to replace the charger point of the mobile phone. If you can open your phone yourself then you can repair it in home by purchasing the charger point. But if you are not familiar with this you should go to the service center to repair it.
2. Verify there is no dirt or any unwanted materials inside the charging port of your mobile. If the charging port is dirty then clean it using a brush and then see if the issue is resolved.
3. Verify that your phone is not damaged with nay liquid. Liquid can damage your internal circuit of your phone and due to this damage your phone can show that it is charging although no charger is connected. If you have the knowledge little bit about phone hardware then find out the liquid damage indicator(LID) and verify that the indicator is activated or not. If indicator is activated then you should go to the service center for the phone check up.
4. One of the main software issue is downloading defective application can show you charging signal although charger is not connected. If you see that you are facing this charging issue immediate after installing a new application, then immediately uninstall that application and verify if the issue has been resolved.
5. If your hardware is perfect and did not find any issue with the software then last option is to factory reset of your phone. Before the factory reset take back up of your phone complete. Factory reset solves many software problems on your mobile phone.
Measures to consider when your phone or tablet is not charging
If you are sure that your phone is not charging or the battery is not charging, check the manner you are charging your device. If you are charging your Smartphone through your desktop computer via the USB cable, try charging your handset using its own charger. I’m sure your device ships with its own battery charger that you can use when the battery starts to go low.
If your phone is connected to your desktop computer, disconnect the handset from the USB cable. Plug the phone’s battery charger to the AC outlet then connect the charger’s cable to your Smartphone. If all is well then it should charge your phone’s battery. But if not and the same thing still happens, disconnect the charger from the phone. After that, turn off your phone.
When the phone is completely turned off and the screen is completely black, connect the charger again to the phone. Your phone should charge even when it is off. It is actually the best way to charge the device because the battery is not being used while charging. If using either the USB cable or the battery charger has no effect on the phone to charge the battery then there might be something wrong with your handset.