Medical help by IDMe via cellphone

Have just learnt about the IDMe that connect us to the medical help via cell phone, launched by ER24, the national emergency care service. Why tracing of location is needed if this is an online service?

Have just learnt about the IDMe that connect us to the medical help via cell phone, launched by ER24, the national emergency care service. Why tracing of location is needed if this is an online service?
Hi Elyssaguadalupe,
It is nice to hear that you are interested in IDMe. To answer your query, the tracing of location is imperative especially in cases of emergencies. Imagine the scenario that person A and B, both subscribed to IDMe, person A has the tracer enabled while person B’s tracer is disabled. Both of them suffered a stroke rendering them both unable to move majority of their bodies or talk. Person A can still be found because even though he wasn’t able to provide the operator his location, he can be found using the tracer. Unlike B who would probably need someone else talk to the operator on his behalf to tell them about their location. A few seconds difference may mean life or death.
I hope I was able to answer your question