Mentioned The 49.4c02 Error Code With Steps

Hello, details for the 49.4c02 error code and notify the steps for the guidance too also reply soon and thank you very much as well.

Hello, details for the 49.4c02 error code and notify the steps for the guidance too also reply soon and thank you very much as well.
Hey, the 49.4c02 error code is due to the printing queues in the printing pool. As many of the print options are given and would have been stopped the printer so there will a pile of queues waiting in it. The same can be solved by given steps as follows:
Error code “49.4c02” on HP printers is a popular bug which most HP users encounter which interrupts tasks on the printer. The most common cause of this error is the print job or print jobs currently in the queue. You can easily fix the problem by simply deleting the print jobs in the queue. Click the printer icon on the system tray to open the printer.
Next, select the “Print Queue” list then delete all the jobs in the queue. Another way to empty the queue is from the command prompt. Press the Windows key + R to bring up the “Run” dialog then type without quotes “cmd” and then hit Enter to launch an elevated command prompt. In the command prompt window, type the following commands then hit Enter after each command:
net stop spooler
del %systemroot%\System32\spool\printers\* /Q
net start spooler
When you are finished, close the command prompt window then see if it works.