Merge multiple accounts Google plus

Google plus has provided an option to merge multiple accounts can anyone tell me how to do that? Is there any process that we need to for the same?

Google plus has provided an option to merge multiple accounts can anyone tell me how to do that? Is there any process that we need to for the same?
Google has allowed to merge multiple accounts. At present this facility is available only for Google apps account and Google + account. This process of merging will take time to process. The process follows in this way Google apps users need to transfer their circles from Google takeout to Google +. This process of transferring takes around 7 days to finish.
Once this process is done. Google then they will transfer the data to your regular Google + account which again will take some more time to finish which is around 2 days. This is how Google plus merging accounts works. This process is quite tricky but I think it wont be such easy task.
You want to merge your Google + accounts with each other. You may do that. You can find some options in Google + to do so. You can join another account with your main account. This may take more than 7 days to transfer all the information.
I’ve checked different websites regarding the steps on how to merge multiple Google+ accounts but I end up with nothing. Different instructions were described on how a user can merge multiple Google+ accounts dated back 2 or 3 years ago but none of them are working right now. Maybe it is still possible to do it before but currently there is no way you can merge different Google+ accounts.
I tried how it is done using the Google Takeout tool but the destination page is no longer the same. I also found a post in the Google Help page saying the transfer of Google+ circles and connections between accounts is no longer available. Refer to this: Transfer Google+ Accounts. The methods followed before are no longer working.