Message:”Internal Error 2889″ in Windows XP

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -


I have encountered this problem and I am hopeful for an answer.

Message:"Internal Error 2889" in Windows XP appears even in putting some sort of Software package like Symantec Malware or Microsoft Office throughout Windows XP

What's wrong here and how do I correct it?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer by franzistef
Answered By 55 points N/A #106546

Message:”Internal Error 2889″ in Windows XP


This is a clear indication that your computer is infected by a virus called w32.Nimda.A@mm and w32.Nimda.E@mm. This virus is typically designed for the Microsoft Software Installer that prevents you from installing certain things like in your case the Symantec antivirus.

  1. Run an online scan of your computer and remove all the potential threats that come in the scan from online.
  2. After that run the Symantec installer and install it.
  3. After the installation is over, do a deep scan of your system and see if there are still signs of any kind of viruses.
  4. You can also try installing the updates required for your operating system to avoid such threats in the future. If you know how to explicitly update the MSI, then it is a plus point for you.
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #106547

Message:”Internal Error 2889″ in Windows XP



When you are experiencing an “Internal Error 2889” message in installing software program such as Norton Antivirus or Microsoft Office, your computer is infected by w32.Nimda.A@mm or ww32.Nimda@mm, affecting the Microsoft Software Installer or MSI so that it will no longer work efficiently.


To resolve these issues, follow these steps:


For installing Symantec Antivirus,


  1. It is highly recommended that you install the latest version of Symantec Norton Antivirus.
  2. Determine whether your computer has this virus, run antivirus software that contains the latest virus signature file, and then perform a complete scan of your computer. Contact your antivirus software provider to remove this virus.


For installing Microsoft Office;


1.  After removing the virus on your computer, if you have a copy of the Riched20.dll       file on your computer, locate and rename this file to Riched20.old, and then go to step 2. If you do not have a copy of Riched20.dll on your computer, go to step 2. NOTE: This file may be hidden. For instructions about how to unhide files, see your operating system documentation.

2. In Windows Explorer, open the MSI folder on your Office 2000 CD-ROM. For        

Office XP, locate the root of your CD-ROM.


3. If you are using Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, or Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition, double-click Instmsi.exe. If you are using Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Microsoft Windows 2000, or Microsoft Windows XP, double-click Instmsiw.exe.


4. Click OK to the message that advises you that the Windows Installer installed successfully.


5. Reinstall Office.

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