Microchip to let us see through walls

Hi! What is this unused range in the electromagnetic spectrum and how will they apply it so that we can see through walls? Regards.

Hi! What is this unused range in the electromagnetic spectrum and how will they apply it so that we can see through walls? Regards.
With new technology we now may able to see through physical objects like walls, plastic. How's that made possible. The answer hides in the latest research on spectrum. scientist are making a chip that taps into spectrum and micro chip technology which will make able the mobile devices to see behind the physical objects. here how it is, science has already explored that wavelengths are characterized by electromagnetic spectrum which we harness in different ways, low frequency, microwaves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet light and TeraHertz THz band. All others are in use in different processes but THz band is the place which is so far unused range of electromagnetic spectrum.