Hello all
I am using the Microsoft dynamics AX for the management of CRM. I have recently created a new hierarchy, and I want to now associate it to the procurement hierarchy. Actually I want this created category hierarchy become the default when I create a new catalogue.
So can anyone please tell me how do I disassociate a category hierarchy.
Please refer to the screenshot attached below:
As you can see above I have the MX gear as my category hierarchy and I am not able to delete any of the current category hierarchies. I tried to delete the procurement hierarchy 1 but I was met with an error instead. The screenshot of the error is attached below:
Infolog (I)
Read the warning message and take the suitable action.
Message (11:43:47 am)
Category hierarchies cannot be deleted Category hierarchies roles exist. Delete dependent Category hierarchy roles and try again.
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Your suggestions are required to fix this issue. Any kind of comments will be highly appreciated.
Kind regards
Microsoft dynamics hierarchy type management
It's easy, categories are in shared tablets, so it will be another legal entity set using the category. You have to remove it first from "ALL Legal Entities" in the database.
Microsoft dynamics hierarchy type management
Hey George,
You have to  delete category hierarchy to do this . But you also face a problem to delete category hierarchy . Please follow my instructions .
I think categories are in a shared table, this is why another legal entity set using the category . First you need to remove it from all regal entities in your database. After that you will able to delete category hierarchy . Hope it will help you. Thank you.
Microsoft dynamics hierarchy type management
To fix the problem "Category hierarchies can not be deleted Category heirarchy's role exist. Delete dependent hierarchy's role and try again" you have to delete all legal entities that are present in the database because a legal entity set is utilizing the category. And the category is present in the shared table that can be seen by following this stepwise operation: System Administration>> Reports >> Dtatbae >> Table. Then proceed to AOT>> Data dictionary>> Tables. Choose the option "Table" then "Show Properties" then "Save Data per Company". In this way the table is shared successfully.