Microsoft Dynamics NAV error Company hasn’t been assigned Zetadocs ID

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -


While working with Microsoft Dynamics NAV when I try to assign a Zetadocs ID I was stuck with a warning error message. The error says that your company has not been assigned a zetadocs ID. Please contact you administrator. How do I fix this error? Please help. Thanks a lot.


Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Error: your company has not been assigned a Zetadocs ID. 

Please contact your administrator.

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Answered By points N/A #168154

Microsoft Dynamics NAV error Company hasn’t been assigned Zetadocs ID



It sounds like there is mismatch with your “Zetadocs Company IDs’” table (9041211) in your live db. The company name is possibly a little bit different in your test and live db so you’re having such issue.

Check that all company name is correct and matches the original one with the test db and live db. If those matches, your problem will be solved for sure.


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