Microsoft Excel 2007 problem in turning off Picture Mode

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

How can I turn off Picture Mode in Excel 2007 Compatibility Mode? After I cut, copy, and past data into another spreadsheet, the data is locked and formatted to Picture Mode automatically. I am currently running XP with Office 2003. 

Answered By 0 points N/A #105418

Microsoft Excel 2007 problem in turning off Picture Mode




If you want to work with Ms Office 2007 all features and functions are enhance to Ms 2007 version, and file size must be compatible. There are two paths to convert to file format in to excel 2007. Any file format appropriate to convert relevant earlier versions (excel 97- 2003).
Convert work book In to file format-Open file which you want to convert XLSX format (ms 2007), then click convert in ms office button. New will open click ok, accept yes in work current file format. Select compatibility mode in excel 2003 to conform which process regular to ms 2007 version.
When you are in compatibility mode unnecessary to start compatibility mode, so find that before start compatibility mode. 

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