Microsoft Exchange Server Against Spam and Phishing Threats

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

By using Microsoft Exchange server, how can we be sure the reliability that most business requires, since it was mobile, synchronized such as windows phone, iPhone and androids which said to be prone to malwares that increases the risk of spam and phishing threats?

Answered By 5 points N/A #87656

Microsoft Exchange Server Against Spam and Phishing Threats


Every companies which run their business using Microsoft Exchange Server mostly already have their own protection for phishing, spam and scam to protect their clients.

But as a client we must protect our gadget from that threats attack, too. Not because we don’t trust that companies, but we need, of course, to make sure about the safety of our gadget and our data.

Like desktop PC, we can get tools for mobile devices to have their own anti phishing and spam protection.

So we can make sure our gadget and data securities when we synchronizing our gadget datas.

Here below are some option tools to keep secure your gadget data:

MDaemon Email Server Windows

ESET Mobile Security

Sophos Mobile Control,

AVG android smartphone and AVG for tablet, Kapersky

Or find tools which best for your gadget from here.

Next you can participate to minimize phishing and spam threats with report every suspicious data synchronized to which company server you use for transfer data or to your security system company.

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