Hi experts,
I purchased a new system with Windows OS and when I install Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0, the following error message appears: Required System Software Not Installed: Microsoft .Net frame work Version 2.0 is required to continue. I tried to reinstall this software but the same error message shows. You can see the image below.
Required System Software Not Installed:
Microsoft .Net frame work Version 2.0 is required to continue
The software is available for free download at
Any suggestion would be helpful for me. Thanks in advance.
Microsoft .NET Framework – Required System Software Not Installed
Hello Lawrence D Torres,
The software driver is too old or not compatible with your operating system. If it is windows 7 , then you don't need to install framework 2.0 . My suggestion is try to download or upgrade the new system installer. Current version of installer is not compatible with the required framework.
Hope it will help you.
Microsoft .NET Framework – Required System Software Not Installed
1- Click on Start then, control panel and choose windows update.
2- You may find Microsoft.net framework in the list of updates.
3- If you don't find it try to download it again from the site.
4- Look carefully for the distribution which fit your computer, as you might install the wrong distribution in your PC.
Microsoft .NET Framework – Required System Software Not Installed
If the application you are installing requires a particular version of .NET Framework, see the following list:
Before installing, check the system requirements to learn if the .NET Framework is compatible with your computer. If the .NET Framework you are installing is too old for your operating system, try installing a newer version.