When I tried to activate Office 2010 subscription license (licensed through office 365 E3 Plan) I got the following error message on my PC. I also checked for the reason of this error but I couldn’t find. Can you tell me the reason of this error? How can I remove this error? I need your help to fix it. I have tried uninstallation/reinstallation process but nothing happened.
Thanks for any assistance.
Error: Microsoft Office Subscription Error An error has occurred impacting your Office subscription. Learn more about this error or contact your support team with error code 0x80072EFD.
Microsoft Office Subscription Error occurred
Hi White,
The error can occur because of two conditions:
a) If you have a CD emulation software installed, a registry key is preventing to acquire the hardware ID
b) A required registry key is not correctly set
The solution to this error is:
1) On ‘Start’ menu, Click ‘Run’, type ‘regedit’
2) In the Registry Editor, search for the registry key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCURRENTCONTROLSETCONTROLCLASS{4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
3) Look for ‘Upperfilters’ of type ‘REG_MULTI_SZ’
4) Double Click ‘Upperfilters’, under the Value data, add ‘PartMgr’ to the top of the list. Click ‘OK’
5) Restart the computer
6) Start any of the Office 2010 application and follows the instructions to install them