Microsoft Office Visio Error in Formula

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am new to MS Visio and really having a hard time learning about it.

I am following video and PDF tutorials to somehow let me feel how to process goes but I am stuck after getting “Error in formula”.

Can anyone explain to me how to get rid of this prompt?


Error in formula

Best Answer by Archieval T
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Answered By 0 points N/A #81320

Microsoft Office Visio Error in Formula


Dear James,

Hope you are doing well. Here are some explanations why the error appears.

Although I do not understand what is your specific formula, you could use Shape Sheet cell references to create inter-dependency between these formulas. Using cell references means that given the value of a cell, you can calculate a value for any specific cell .

You have to refer the same shape of another object in the formula e.g. a page or a document so that MSOffice Visio could calculates the cell value based on the value of another cell.

Cell reference includes names or shape identifiers IDs. You can always use ID to refer any shape on the page whether the shape has a name or not.  For example, Sheet.i has the shape default name where shape ID is i.  Whenever any shape is created the ID will be assigned.

The ID will not be changed unless the shape is moved to another document or page.  If two or more shapes on same page has same name, the assigned ID has to be included.

The syntax relies on the relationship between two different objects and following general rules shall apply.

  1. Names with non-standard characters have to be enclosed in quotation single  marks and it has to be prefixed by another quotation single mark.
  2. Sheet.ID syntax can be used to refer any particular shape on page.  No matter the shape is the parent or in the group.
  3. If the shape has a peer of the formula, the peer shape could be referred by name. If it is a group, the group could be referred by name too.  However, its parent's peers or shape’s parent or the members shall not be referred.

Hope this could explains.  Have a good day.

Answered By 15 points N/A #81321

Microsoft Office Visio Error in Formula


The error may be occurring as a result of using the wrong procedure to enter the formula in the MS Visio ShapeSheet window, and therefore I will recommend that you see if you are doing the following:

  • When entering a formula, you need to select a cell, and then you will type or edit the formula.
  • Once you have done that, you will need to click the Accept button which is at the formula bar in ShapeSheet window, or press the ENTER key on the keyboard.
  • Next you will need to click the Cancel Changes button that is on the formula bar so as to cancel changes to a formula.

In case you want to use the shortcut menu in the ShapeSheet window, you will need to right – click a ShapeSheet cell to display it.

It contains commands that you can use to edit the cell.

Clair Charles

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