Microsoft office word – method required for writing mathematical expressions

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -


I have to write several dozens of mathematical expressions to insert into a certain document. But I lack the basics of writing the expression. I am in shortage of time so It will be helpful if someone can guide me through the basics of writing mathematical expressions such as equations or different signs etc. Please someone provide me with the instructions for writing mathematical expressions.

Jobert Bridges

Best Answer by Runyon Grace
Answered By 5 points N/A #108594

Microsoft office word – method required for writing mathematical expressions


Hello Jobert

Writing mathematical equations in MS word 2007 or MS Word 2010 is very easy. All you have to do is to select Equations option in the Insert Menu. There are some inbuilt equations already present there. And you can right your own equations as well. Following are some links which may give you some basic walk through as to how to create your own equations.

I hope this helps.

Happy Computing 🙂

-Jack Hostler

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #108595

Microsoft office word – method required for writing mathematical expressions



First of all it depends on the format of document you are using. If you are using excel 2007 or 2010. Click the second tab of insert and you will find the button of symbols and equation at the end of row. I have attached the sample for your help.

If you are using Microsoft word please go to the second tab "Insert" and then click "equations" for the options displayed in the below image:

Same is the case with Microsoft PowerPoint. For instance if you are using another document which don't have any option like this. Then you may search for mathematical equations and symbols from Google images and you can copy the required image into your file.


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