Asked By
Steve J
0 points
Posted on - 07/20/2011
Hi Friends, I am using MS Office 2003, and trying to launch Outlook 2003 but one Error Message comes that’s is "The extension configuration file " c:program filesmicrosoft officeoffice11addinsdumpster.ecf " could not be installed, Let me know why this happens ? There is an error in the syntax or format of the file?
Microsoft Outlook 2003 Error message
This error occurs when you have checked any checkbox in the compatibility tab. You need to uncheck all the checkboxes to solve this error.
Compatibility of the outlook on your computer might be set to Windows 95 or some others windows, please uncheck the windows check box. After unchecking the check box outlook will automatically set itself to the windows that has been installed on your computer.
First browse to the Microsoft Office 2003 installation folder i.e. typically C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11 and right-click the actual Outlook executable (OUTLOOK.exe).
Select "Properties" and then click the "Compatibility" tab. make sure everything is unchecked and the application is running normally.
Answered By
5 points
Microsoft Outlook 2003 Error message
Hello there Steve.. you should browse to the Microsoft Office 2003 installation folder (typically
C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11) and right-click the actual
Outlook executable (OUTLOOK.exe). Select "Properties" and then click
the "Compatibility" tab. Make sure everything is unchecked and the
application is running normally.