I am using Windows 7 Operating System and have linked my pc with server but an error occurred when I tried to open folders using Outlook program. I need help from experts. I would be grateful to you.

Microsoft Outlook
Cannot expand the folder. The set of folders cannot be opened. Network problem are preventing connection to Microsoft Exchange.Â
Microsoft Outlook cannot expand the folder.
It seems the problem with Microsoft Office Outlook is with your network connection. If your server is running Microsoft Exchange and your computer is connected to your server maybe via local area network, check your network for unplugged or loose cables. Also, check the network cable attached at the back of your CPU. Try disconnecting it and then connecting it back. See if this works.
If your network cable is secured on the port, check your connection to the server by following the route of your connection to the server. If the other end of your network cable is connected to a network hub, disconnect it from the hub and connect it back. Verify your connection after this. This error also happens in Microsoft Office Outlook 2016.
The problem happens because connections to Exchanger Server 2007 and earlier are not supported by Microsoft Office Outlook 2016. To fix this problem, if your server is running Microsoft Exchange 2007 and you are using Microsoft Office Outlook 2016, uninstall Microsoft Office 2016.
Next, re-install Microsoft Office 2013 Home and Business, Microsoft Office 2013 Professional, or Microsoft Office Outlook 2016 for Windows standalone in case you still have these previous versions on your computer. If you don’t known how to re-install Microsoft Office 2013 because you upgraded to Microsoft Office 2016, go to Reinstall Office 2013 after an Office 2016 upgrade.