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Posted on - 10/21/2011
If anybody knows something about this error, please share your ideas with me. I don't know which is the problem why I can't connect to my mail server. Is the trouble with the email provider, my account, or in Outlook? Thanks for any enlightenment regarding this one!
Some errors occurred while processing the requested tasks. Please review the list of errors below for more details.
Microsoft Outlook Error Number 0x800CCC92
This error number, 0x800CCC92 is caused by invalid password set-up on email client, such as Microsoft Outlook.
The software did remember incorrect password set-up and in need to update the correct log-in to authenticate to the network properly.
Here's the resolution related to error 0x800CCC92
You need to verify username and password is correct.
Log-in to webmail and check if the password is working.
You'll need to reset the password if necessary.
Go to Tools, Account Settings
Highlight the account name, then click Change
Update the current password on the Password field
Click Ok and Apply the changes
If the issue still persist, you'll need to log-in to webmail. This ensure that the password you'll putting in is correct.
Microsoft Outlook Error Number 0x800CCC92
This particular error is caused due to two reasons. One is you password is incorrect or your email account is corrupt. Serve is rejecting your password. You can try following solutions to resolve the issue.
Solution 1:
Enter password in the accounts field again and do not forget to check remember password.
Solution 2:
Go to cPanel and recreate you account. You will have to delete you account first. If you have important emails on webmail, forward these emails to some other email account that is in working condition.
Solution 3:
Check you SMTP and POP settings. If there is any problem in settings you may get a prompt for password. For example if password is right but account name entered is not right. You will get password error in this case also.