Microsoft Power point 2003 original
In Microsoft Power Point 2003 can we insert images and can we add a blank slide can we save with another format aside from ppt format
To insert pictures on Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 you will only need to
·        Click the insert tab in the menu of the word.
·        Select Picture.
·        Then click on From File
·        A window box will open for you to browse you picture from the directory.
·        Then click Insert.
·        The picture will be imported to your presentation for you to resize, rotate, crop or move to your desired location
To add blank Slides to your presentation:
·        Just right click to the slide browser at your right part of you PowerPoint Presentation and select Add Slides.
·        A new slide will appear just below your previous Slides.
·        Or click on Insert then Select New Slides.
·        Or press Ctrl + M.
And finally to save the presentation in other format:
·        Click File.
·        Select save files as:
·        You can then select any supported format that the Microsoft PowerPoint can offer you.
·        Then Save
Veritile Phil