Microsoft SQL server 2012 news

Hi All,
I have a few questions on SQL 2012
1. Sql server 2012 release date
2. SQL Server 2012 – New Features
3. SQL Server 2012 Training
Thank you all

Hi All,
I have a few questions on SQL 2012
1. Sql server 2012 release date
2. SQL Server 2012 – New Features
3. SQL Server 2012 Training
Thank you all
Hello Hareendra,
For your first question which is the release date of Sql server 2012 , there is no exact date yet on when they are going to release it but some says that it will be released early 2012 because sql server 2011 has been released october 2011.
SQL Server 2012 – New Features
ForSQL Server 2012 Training please check out their site below:
Microsoft Database Server is releasing “SQL Server 2012 Denali”
There are many features added to this Denali they are
Exception Handling:
The “Try Catch” block in 2005 server we cannot simply “re throw” the exception and we need to raise a new exception after catching it but now we can use “throw function”.
Page Data:
Retrieving current page data from database was a complex one but we can retrieve certain range of data from database using “OFFSET” and “FETCH NEXT” keyword.
Full Text Search:
SQL Server 2012 allows you to search the index data stored in metadata or extended properties.
Data Quality Service:
Data quality service gives you the information about your data depends on and also shows the lineage of the data and where it comes from and the system behind it.
Web based Visualization:
It provides drag and drop ad-hoc reporting functionality.
The release date of SQL Server 2012 is not known.